The clients we work with believe in procuring the best-in-class data and analytics for each of the regions they operate in.
As a result, we have built a network of partners worldwide, ensuring us the most authentic and relevant data.
If you have significant exposure worldwide; or if you are looking to build the right type of business opportunity pipeline then we could be the perfect partner.
Our service is based on data: we have some of the brightest data scientists and data engineers around and they are focussed on curating and matching data to allow our clients the best insight into the risks they manage.
Data is drawn from public sources – but not all our sources use the Company Registration Number as a unique identifier. In the absence of unique identifiers, we have invested significant time building in-house matching algorithms to ensure we can link data sets.
We understand that in some regions, obtaining company information can be a challenge. That’s why we developed our CountryScore – to enable clients to access a macro view on countries around the world and to understand the base-level risks of doing business.
Our platform allows you to compare countries side-by-side to put more context around the risks in a particular region.